Sunday 29 March 2009

Pessoas em Macau (Part 10: Instituto para os Assuntos Cívicos e Municipais)

民政總署大樓(Edifício do Leal Senado)

民政總署大樓(Edifício do Leal Senado)位於澳門亞美打利比盧大馬路(新馬路)中段,曾為澳門議事公局(又稱議事公局、議事會)的辦公場所,現稱為民政總署大樓。 2005年,大樓被列入聯合國教科文組織世界文化遺產名錄的澳門歷史城區歷史建築群之一。

澳門市政廳大樓曾附設過多個機構,包括賈梅士博物院、書信館、法院和監獄,後均遷出。 2002年1月1日,民政總署成立,取代澳門的市政機構,大樓名稱也改為“民政總署大樓”。大樓地下右側是展覽廳,定期舉辦各項藝術展覽;二樓前座是會議廳,歷年的澳門市政議會,以至今天的民政總署公開會議和記者招待會,都會在這裡舉行。二樓西北後座設有一所公共圖書館,屬澳門文化局管轄。另外,大樓的後方有一個葡式花園,有一個渾天儀形狀的花圃,以及葡萄牙詩人賈梅士的半身像。

大樓立面原來的以及羅馬數字“MDCCCLXXVI”意思是重修後開放的1876年份,澳門市徽、葡萄牙語Leal Senado意思是忠誠的議會,及中文“市政廳”等字樣。

(The Leal Senado, Portuguese for Loyal Senate, was the seat of Macau's government (Legislative Assembly of Macau) during its time as a Portuguese colony. It is located at one end of the Senado Square. The title was bestowed on Macau's government in 1810 by Portugal's Prince-Regent João, who would later become King John VI of Portugal. This was a reward for Macau's loyalty to Portugal during the Iberian Union, between 1580 and 1640.

The building itself was erected in 1784. After the handover of Macau to China in 1999 it became the headquarters of the Institute of Civic & Municipal Affairs (Portuguese: Instituto para os Assuntos Cívicos e Municipais).

It became part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Historic Centre of Macau in 2005.)