Sunday 29 March 2009

Pessoas em Macau (Part 11: Leal Senado Square)



議事亭前地 (Leal Senado Square)

議事亭前地(Largo do Senado)俗稱“噴水池”,是澳門的一個廣場,位居澳門半島中區,面積3,700平方米,是澳門四大廣場之一。 2005年作為澳門歷史城區的部分被列入世界文化遺產名錄內。議事亭前地北連板樟堂前地,南臨新馬路,南闊北窄,呈狹長的三角形,為熱鬧的商業及文化活動區。

(The Senado Square, or Senate Square is a paved area in the centre of the former Portuguese colony of Macau (now a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China), enclosed by the buildings of the Leal Senado, the General Post Office, and St. Dominic’s Church. The square is paved in the traditional Portuguese pavement. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Historic Centre of Macau".)

仁慈堂大樓- Santa Casa da Misericórdia (The Holy House of Mercy of Macau)

仁慈堂大樓(Santa Casa da Misericórdia) 是位於澳門特別行政區議事亭前地旁邊的磚石建築物,為澳門慈善機構仁慈堂的物業。 2002年獲澳門政府授予仁愛功績勳章;2005年以澳門歷史城區的部分被列入世界文化遺產名錄內。仁慈堂大樓的地下是澳門政府部門公證署的辦公室,二樓則為仁慈堂博物館。

於1569年,天主教澳門教區的首任主教賈耐勞(D. Belchior Carneiro) 創立澳門仁慈堂,負責慈善救濟的工作。仁慈堂大樓建於18世紀中葉,1905年以新古典主義的表現方式加建拱廊部分,修成甚具古典文化特色的建築模樣。


(Holy House of Mercy is an historic white structure in Macau's Senado Square . Built in 1569 on the orders of the Bishop of Macau.

It was a medical clinic and several other social welfare structures in early Macau. It later served as an orphanage and refuge for widowers of sailors lost at sea. )