Saturday, 28 March 2009

Pessoas em Macau (Part 8: Templo de A-Má)

媽閣廟 (A-Ma Temple)

媽閣廟(Templo de A-Má),原稱媽祖閣,是位於澳門半島西南方的標誌性建築物之一,現為澳門3大古剎中最古老者。 2005年作為澳門歷史城區的部分被列入世界文化遺產名錄內。相傳媽祖乃福建莆田人,又名娘媽,能預言吉凶,死後常顯靈海上,幫助商人及漁民消災解難,化險為夷,福建人遂與當地居民商議,在現址立廟奉祀。而庭院內有中國帆船石刻浮雕,傳說娘媽曾乘此船自家鄉出海,經歷颱風巨浪,平安抵澳

(A-Ma Temple situated on the southwest tip of the Macau Peninsula, is one of the oldest and most famous temples in Macau. Built in 1488, the temple is dedicated to the goddess of seafarers and fishermen Matsu.

The name Macau is thought to be derived from the temple. It is said that when the Portuguese sailors landed at the coast just outside the temple and asked the name of the place, the natives replied "A-Ma-Gao" (Bay of A-Ma). The Portuguese then named the peninsula Macau.The temple was well described in ancient Chinese texts, as well as represented in paintings. It is also one of the first scenes photographed in China.

In 2005, the temple became one of the designated sites of the Historic Centre of Macau enlisted on the UNESCO World Heritage List. -Wikipedia

媽閣廟前地 (Largo Do Pagode Da Barra)

媽閣廟附近 (A-Ma Temple Nearby)

澳門海事博物館(Museu Marítimo de Macau)

澳門海事博物館(Museu Marítimo de Macau)是澳門歷史最悠久的一間博物館,對面是媽閣廟。當年是因為葡萄牙人第一次登陸的地方,因為他們不清楚這地方叫什麼名字,問當地居民的名稱,居民回答道:“媽閣!”從此成了澳門(葡文Macau,英文Macao)名稱的由來,為了紀念此事,與表示其龐大的海事設備,便在媽閣廟的對面設立這所海事博物館。 博物館像一艘白帆的三桅船,館內的設計是以中國、葡萄牙及澳門的航海事業為主來劃分為專題展區,把早期中國與葡萄牙之間海上往來貿易的繁榮景象及航海探險家的驚險旅程展示出來。內裡有海上航行的一些神話,而展品主要分為四個主題,包括捕魚活動、航海與發現、海洋生物學和海事活動與天文地理學。