Friday, 27 March 2009

Pessoas em Macau (Part 7: A Praça Flor de Lodão)

金蓮花廣場- Praça Flor de Lodão (Golden Lotus Square)


Lotus Flower In Full Bloom
(The Lotus Square or Golden Lotus Square (Portuguese: A Praça Flor de Lodão) is an open area in the former Portuguese colony of Macau, now a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. The area features the large sculpture of "Lotus Flower In Full Bloom" presented by the State Council of the People's Republic of China in 1999, marks the transfer of the sovereignty of Macau from Portugal to the People's Republic of China.)


澳門漁人碼頭(Macau Fisherman's Wharf)在蓮花廣場附近,是澳門首個主題公園和仿歐美漁人碼頭的購物中心。澳門漁人碼頭建於外港新填海區海岸,鄰近港澳碼頭。由何鴻燊及周錦輝投資興建,總投資約為澳門幣18.5億,經過5年時間籌備與興建。 2005年12月31日由澳門行政長官何厚鏵及漁人碼頭主席何鴻燊揭幕儀式及試業。試業一年後於2006年12月23日正式開幕。 -資料來源:維基百科。

(The Macau Fisherman's Wharf (Portuguese: Doca dos Pescadores) is the first theme park in Macau. It is located in the Macau Peninsula, near the Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Pier. The construction took 5 years, before an opening ceremony by the Chief Executive of Macau and trial operation began on December 31, 2005. After one year of trial operation, the wharf was officially opened on December 31, 2006. -Source: Wikipedia)