Saturday 9 May 2009

Hong Kong - Bauhinia blakeana




金紫荊廣場 (The Golden Bauhinia Square)


(The Golden Bauhinia Square is an open area in Wan Chai North, Hong Kong. The square was named after the giant statue of a golden Bauhinia blakeana at the centre of the area, situated outside the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, where the ceremonies for the handover of Hong Kong and the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region was held in July 1997. A flag-raising ceremony is held every day at 8:00am. It is considered a tourist attraction. It is very important to hong kong people. On the second day of Chinese New Year and National Day of the People's Republic of China, you can see fireworks there.)

青衣島(Tsing Yi)


(Tsing Yi Island is an island in the urban area of Hong Kong, to the northwest of Hong Kong Island and south of Tsuen Wan. With an area of 10.69 km², the island has extended drastically by reclamation along almost all its natural shore and the annexation of Nga Ying Chau and Chau Tsai. Three major bays or harbours, Tsing Yi Tong, Mun Tsai Tong and Tsing Yi Bay in the northeast, have been completely reclaimed for new towns.

The Island can be divided as four quarters, the northeast quarter is a residential area, the southeast quarter is a container port, the southwest holds heavy industry, and the northwest includes a recreation trail, a transportation interchange and some dockyards and ship building industry. The island is at the northwest part of Victoria Harbour and part of its development is under the Law of Hong Kong, Chapter 531, the Protection of the Harbour Ordinance.)