Saturday, 21 March 2009

Pessoas em Macau (Part 1: Taipa-Coloane)


澳門,由三個主要的地區組成。這三個地區分別為澳門半島(Macau Peninsula),氹仔(Taipa)還有路環(Coloane)。澳門半島北部銜接中國大陸的珠海。澳門半島南部被三座主要的橋樑與氹仔銜接。澳門半島和氹仔這兩個地方的發展均較為迅速。路環原本是個獨立的島嶼,後期填海,現在與氹仔連為一體,填海的地方現在已經發展成為路氹城。雖然路環與氹仔連為一體,但是路環還是屬於低發展的地方。

嘉乐庇将军大桥 (Ponte Governador Nobre de Carvalho)

"嘉樂庇大橋(全稱嘉樂庇將軍大橋或嘉樂庇總督大橋)一般稱為舊澳氹大橋或舊大橋;葡語:Ponte Governador Nobre de Carvalho,是澳門第一條連接澳門半島和氹仔的跨海橋,也是當時葡萄牙“十大建設工程”之一。大橋從澳門半島葡京酒店對開海岸起到達氹仔小氹山北麓。


舊澳氹大橋乃雙線往返車道,祗供輕型車輛通過。初期向過橋車輛收取橋費,但後來取消。" -资料来源维基百科。

("Ponte Governador Nobre de Carvalho (English: Governor Nobre de Carvalho Bridge) or the Macau-Taipa Bridge, is a dual-lane two-way bridge connecting Macau Peninsula near Casino Lisboa and the island of Taipa at the northern slope of Taipa Pequena (Small Taipa Hill). It is the first bridge in the former Portuguese colony of Macau, now a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, to connect the peninsula and Taipa. It is locally known as the "Old Bridge" .

Construction started in June 1970, during Portuguese rule. With a length of 2,569.8 metres a width of 9.2 metres, it was open to traffic in October 1974. The middle of the bridge is raised, in the shape of a triangular arc, to allow vessels to pass through. The highest point of the bridge is 35 metres above sea level. Once the longest continuous bridge on Earth, it is named after José Manuel de Sousa e Faria Nobre de Carvalho, the Governor of Macau from November 25, 1966 to November 19, 1974.

The bridge is meant to take the shape of a dragon, with Casino Lisboa representing the dragon's head, and Taipa Monument on Taipa Pequena the dragon's tail. Due to the construction around Casino Lisboa, the bridge was temporarily closed in 2005. As of 2006, the bridge is open again, but only to buses and taxis."
Source: Wikipedia)

Aeroporto Internacional de Macau

"澳門國際機場(葡萄牙文:Aeroporto Internacional de Macau)是中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區的唯一的機場,1995年11月正式投入運作。IATA機場代碼為MFM,ICAO機場代碼為VMMC。它是珠江三角洲與世界各地之間的重要橋樑,全日24小時運作。

