Monday, 19 September 2011


| Scent of July's Paddy Field | 23 July 2011 | 七月之稻香 | 2011.07.23 |
[摄于巴亚支那 | Photo's taken at Paya Cina]
Nikon D90, VR 18-105mm F/3.5-5.6G, 26mm ISO 200, 1/50S - F/25

The tranquility and calming paddy meadow of Province Wellesley is a stark contrast to any hustle and bustle cities in the world. There is no so-called city noise and the bird chirping is barely a whisper within the serene environment where lush greenery meadow abound. Once go inside paddy field, one will be greeted by the scent of paddy field that will soothe away anyone stress.