Sunday 31 May 2009

Southern Thailand - Hatyai City


合艾 หาดใหญ่ (Hatyai)

合艾是泰南最大的城市,市中心的人口157,359, 大合艾地區總人口達800,000。從大馬邊境驅車進入合艾市大約半小時就可以抵達。與泰國其他地方不同的是,泰南的穆斯林和具華人血統的居民比例較高。我以為泰南的穆斯林依然可以操一口馬來語,然為他們多數只懂泰語,泰南華裔的不標準方言,帶點泰文的腔調,更提醒自己已經踏入了泰國的領地。

(Hatyai (หาดใหญ่) is a city in southern Thailand near the boundary to Malaysia. With a population of 157,359 (2008) in the core city and about 800,000 in the Greater Hatyai. Hatyai is the biggest city of the Songkla Province and the largest metropolitan area in Southern Thailand, and is thus often mistaken as being the capital of the province. However Songkla is the capital, unlike the other provinces where the capital is the biggest city of the province. The city covers the whole tambon Hatyai of Hatyai district. Both cities are a part of Greater Hatyai-Songkla Metropolitan Area. The Prince of Songkla University has its biggest campus in Hatyai.)