Monday 11 May 2009

Redang - Tropical Marine Park


東海岸對我這個住慣了西海岸的人來說,這個地方還算是很陌生。貧瘠、落後、偏僻或許是我對這個地方的直接印象。由於西海岸與東海岸被連綿起伏的中央山脈(Banjaran Titiwangsa)隔離,從西海岸到東海岸的北部路線,還得需要攀山越嶺,行駛在彎曲的山路,再經過十幾個小時的顛簸路程,方能抵達目的地。筆直的大道或許可以一下子就能抵達東海岸,彎曲的山路更能放慢自己的腳步,然後讓自己也能徜徉在熱帶雨林的山路上。



熱浪島(Pulau Redang)位於馬來西亞登嘉樓州海岸45公里外,被馬來西亞政府列為國家海洋公園,禁止任何人在23海里水域內捕魚及取走海底珊瑚貝類等生物。潛水、游泳、滑翔、追風逐浪,熱帶雨林中尋幽探秘是島上的活動。熱浪島的天空蔚藍,海水恬靜,是個熱帶天堂。在熱浪島的海洋公園浮潛,海底世界一覽無餘,五彩斑斕的魚兒時不時在身旁穿梭同共樂舞,綺麗繽紛的珊瑚礁讓人感嘆大自然的神奇美妙。這種奇妙的感覺,如果不是自己親身體驗,還是很難用言語來形容。有些景色,我還是無法以攝影的方式,完全地把它們紀錄下來,大概寫下文字,留著在腦海當回憶。

(Redang Island, locally known as Pulau Redang or just "Redang" is one of the largest islands off the east coast of Malaysia. It is a popular holiday island for Malaysians, most of whom come on package deals to one of the resorts. Redang is one of nine islands, which form a marine park, and which offer snorkeling and diving opportunities. Access is from Merang or Kuala Terengganu on boats operated by the resorts; there is also a small airport with services operated by Berjaya Air from Singapore (Seletar Airport) and Kuala Lumpur (Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport).

The island is also an important conservation site for sea turtles. Previously, the indiscriminate economic exploitation of turtle eggs had caused fewer turtles returning to nest on the island. This has led the Terengganu state government to set up the Koperasi Setiajaya Pulau Redang in 1989, a cooperative aiming to develop and manage socio-economic programmes that could improve the livelihood of Pulau Redang locals without endangering its natural resources。

The waters around Pulau Redang also contain two historic shipwrecks: HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse. The ships were sunk here at the start of World War II, setting the stage for the Japanese occupation of Malaya.

The Pulau Redang archipelago comprises Pulau Redang, Pulau Lima, Pulau Paku Besar, Pulau Paku Kecil, Pulau Kerengga Kecil, Pulau Kerengga Besar, Pulau Ekor Tebu, Pulau Ling and Pulau Pinang. Pulau Redang is the biggest of all the islands in the Marine Park, measuring about 7 km long and 6 km wide. It's highest peak is Bukit Besar at 359 metres above sea level. The boundary of the Pulau Redang Marine Park is established by a line linking all points 2 nautical miles (3.7 km) from the shores of Pulau Redang, Pulau Lima, Pulau Ekor Tebu and Pulau Pinang.